The Unexpected Walk "Unexpected Walk" is a 90 minutes art film featuring life in Sarajevo under the siege in 1994. It was produced by Jasna and Senad Basic, Sarajevo actors and film and theater workers (Audicija, Kameni Teatar, Siroti Mali Hrcci, Bice-bice) and directed by French film director Francois Lunel. Shot in 3 years on 35 mm for a budget of DM 500,000 and translated from Bosnian into both English and Swedish, the film premiered at the Goeteborg film festival in February 1997. The same year it went to Hawaii film festival, and later to 14-15 other festivals. It was included in Frank Chabrol top 10 selection and a copy was given to Miramax (but they did not follow through). Basic's hold onto the master and are looking for help to sell and distribute the film in the U.S. If anyone has any ideas or connections that they may use, please contact them at: