Each violent crisis on the planet, when it
erupts, begets an increasing volatility and proneness to violence in
other latent crisis spots. Our responsibility as humans is to stop
that violence when and where we can. This human responsibility
goes beyond national or strategic one. Of course, ideally we should
approach the problem holistically instead of symptomatically -
intervening in each particular case is an unnecessary strain on
resources, that should be put to better use in addressing the
underlying problems of global economic injustice and
accompanying authoritarian regimes that are supported to keep
that injustice in place, as they were in Serbia, Peru and Israel.
Anthony Lewis of New York Times in his 'outrageous' display of partisanship, clearly shows why George Bush Jr. would be a bad choice for American president in the world like this. He and his entourage of cold war realpolitikers, would gladly let the patient die, forgetting that they (and we all) are now a part of that patient, as well. Clintonites, however, while trying to do something, would not do much better in the long run - a doctor can give you only that many Naprosenes and cortisone shots (I guess those would be the equivalent of the tomahawk diplomacy), i.e. if you don't change your lifestyle, you'd still hurt. I am disappointed, therefore, that such a writer like Lewis, didn't even mention Ralph Nader and the real third way of treating the world's self-devouring tendencies.
NYT, September 30, 2000
When Slobodan Milosevic's forces ravaged Croatia
in 1991, and then began their campaign of
genocide in Bosnia, President Bush decided that
the United States would do nothing meaningful to
stop him. It was one of the most shameful
episodes in the history of American foreign
If George W. Bush is elected president, the
indications are that he would follow his
father's example. That appears from his own
words and the views of those who would advise
"We should not send our troops to stop ethnic
cleansing and genocide in nations outside our
strategic interest," Governor Bush said earlier
this year.
Condoleezza Rice, Mr. Bush's campaign adviser on
foreign policy, won applause at the Republican
Convention when she said: "America's armed
forces are not a global police force. They are
not the world's 911."
But the key figure is Gen. Colin Powell, the
almost certain Bush choice for secretary of
state. I am a great admirer of General Powell —
but not of what has come to be called the Powell
Doctrine. It is that American soldiers should
not be used abroad except in overwhelming force
when fundamental U.S. strategic interests are
As chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the
first years of the Clinton administration,
General Powell strongly opposed the use of U.S.
forces to stop the Serbian rape, torture and
murder in Bosnia. He not only worked inside the
government but wrote a newspaper article
opposing involvement. His opposition was crucial
in President Clinton's decision to abandon a
campaign pledge and stay out of the Bosnian
The consequences of U.S. inaction through the
Bush and early Clinton years were terrible.
Hundreds of thousands of Bosnians were killed or
forced to flee. In the end, shamed by the mass
murder of Bosnians in Srebrenica, the U.S.
negotiated the Dayton accords and sent forces to
help police them — under much less favorable
conditions than would have existed years before.
Mr. Milosevic, moreover, concluding that the
United States was a paper tiger, went on to his
campaign of terror in Kosovo. That led to still
deeper U.S. military involvement.
The premise of President Bush's decision to
ignore the Milosevic aggression when it began in
1991 was that it was a European problem and
should be handled by our European allies. But
the Europeans will not act without American
leadership, as events proved.
The same thinking is evident now in the Bush
campaign. Dick Cheney, the vice-presidential
nominee, said last month that it was time to
consider recalling our ground troops from Bosnia
and Kosovo, leaving the job to the Europeans. If
we followed that course, the situation in both
territories would quickly unravel.
That the United States cannot be "the world's
policeman" is an easily accepted slogan. But
realistically, there is no substitute for
American leadership and involvement if the worst
of human horrors are to be stopped.
Genocide in Bosnia does not engage our strategic
interests as would, say, a threat to our supply
of oil. When those two oil men, George W. Bush
and Dick Cheney, talk about the vital interests
that alone would justify the use of American
forces abroad, they may well be thinking
precisely of oil.
The odd thing is that Governor Bush and his
campaign colleagues talk with great emphasis
about the need to build up our armed forces. To
do what?
The most frequent threats to peace and stability
in the post-cold-war era are arising from
internal ethnic, religious and other conflicts.
East Timor, Bosnia and Kosovo are all remote
from traditional U.S. strategic interests. But
if ignored, those conflicts could have
destabilized large areas important to us:
Indonesia, Southeastern Europe. To turn our
heads away is not the course of realism.
And there is another consideration that makes
the inclinations of George W. Bush unrealistic.
Americans do not like to see mass cruelties
ignored by the one country that can stop them.
Perhaps that is why President Bush, when he and
Brent Scowcroft published a book on his foreign-
policy record, did not even mention Bosnia.
If Americans know that horrors are happening,
they are not going to be content with a
president who says, "I am not my brother's