Vukovar Past and Present

Prehistoric Art Found Around VukovarThis city in Croatian Eastern Slavonia was the site of the worst destruction in Croatian-Serbian war in 1991/92. For four months Serbian artillery pounding with 2-5000 shells a day destroyed every single dwelling in the city reducing it to rubble. Once rich multi-ethnic city of 50,000 became a home to a few Serb refugees who lived in its ruins under the UN protection. Vukovar was not re-captured in Operation Storm. Instead, the entire Eastern Slavonia region was peacefully reunited with Croatia in two years following the Dayton Peace Agreement. Click here for other stories from the war in Croatia.

Bad Blue Boys On Friday, September 14, 2001, there was a mourning day around the world for the September 11 events that shook New York city, the US and the world. A minute of silence at the otherwise dignified ceremony in Zagreb, capital of Croatia, was broken by some Bad Blue Boys and Torcida boys shouting "Vukovar, Vukovar..." - apparently protesting the US arms embargo on Croatia in winter 1991/92, which had greatly contributed to the daunting destruction and suffering of the people of Vukovar.

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