It is our intention to take kids that had not have much FUN in their young lives growing up in war-time Croatia and Bosnia - those who lost their homes and family members due to the war, of various ethnic and religious backgrounds, and bring them together for a week of plain clean fun.
It is our hope that as they master the new skills together, they also make friends and learn how to live together in peace. It is our dedication to teach them values of teamwork and healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature, as well as to enable them to experience genuine camaraderie with their peers, those they would otherwise be taught to avoid as the ‘enemy’.
It is our mission to take twenty-something teens, who would have no other means of ever participating in expensive winter sports, and teach them how to snowboard. By focusing on the new skill that they all want to learn, they would set aside the potential grievances against other camp participants, and, as they all become closer to their new common goal, they will start looking at their past, present and future in a different light.
RACCOON, Inc., (map and driving directions)
43-32 22nd Street, Suite (buzzer) 301 in
Long Island City, between 43th and 44th Avenue
Take |
or |
subway to 23rd Street, Ely Avenue |
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