Nevertheless, some people seem to never get the point. Like that sweet lady (and she has such a nice quiet doctor husband), Amy, who posed as the building manager at the place where I work. She trains in the gym for free. She even got herself a trainer for free. Which of course is a favor to her, not something that is granted to her with her job. She just lives high up in the ass of her manager, Ken, so she can enjoy all the "fringe benefits". So, she can bring her neighbor from Queens as her secretary and she can take super and maintenance workers from the other building to do her bathroom. She can even "borrow" some of company's tiles. However, the guy who manages the rental office, Steve, lives high up in the same ass and hates her. And he watches the gym (which is conveniently placed in a glass cage) counting Amy any minute she stays longer and snitches to Ken. They both look like some of the uglier monsters from Doom II.

She is exquisitely nice to me, but she regularly gives shit about me to my managers (who live in her ass, since she is their manager; although we should give some credit to George for his Houdini-like magical ability to squeeze his big self in), and then hides in her office behind the telephone, waiting to see what will happen. Typical Stalinist puppet master. She would make it in KGB hierarchy pretty quickly working behind other people backs and moving over dead bodies. Of course, my managers then warn me that they got a call "from above" concerning my inappropriate behavior. The next day I see her she'd be all sweet like honey and sugar: "Hi Ivo, how are you. Are you feeling better."

But later, she'll go in her office, sit behind her desk, and become a MANAGER. Then she'll call my managers and tell them that they are obviously awkward managers, since they were not able to straighten me up, and she warned them already two, three, four times. She says that I stand out. Well, I am happy to hear that. I would feel terrible if I don't. But my managers are slightly scared to lose their comfortable positions because of me. So they are ready to scapegoat me. As they did it in Yugoslavia. When the big party boss called small party boss, I got kicked out of the air, because the big party boss didn't really appreciate my show.

While here in the U.S., once you become an on-air personality, they can't really kick you around any more like that, they can still do that to you if you are some shitty lifeguard. Lifeguards don't even have their Union. And they are not paid well enough to be able to hire an attorney.

But they can still kick the lights out of any given manager.